The Colomb Art Gallery, London - Leading independent London art galleries
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British artist

(b.1964) England

Matthew Cook is one of the greatest reportage artists today. Fairly early in his career, Matthew was commissioned by the Royal Mail to create a set of five commemorative stamps, and a book “The British Season” by Pavilion Books, which rapidly sold out its entire edition. Matthew has now become very well known for his works in coloured inks. He work is regularly featured in leading British newspapers including The Times, The Guardian and The Telegraph. As a distinguished British artist, his work is in high demand worldwide by professional clients and private collectors alike.

Available artworks by Matthew Cook

The Colomb Art Gallery, London, is leading independent art galleries in Central London
The Colomb Art Gallery, London
© The Colomb Art Gallery, London | 2025. All art work copyrighted to the original artist